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Lentswe lea Bua...

(No staff were injured in the making of this video.)

Wandered into the staffroom at breaktime to discover a rehearsal, led by Rosa Motha, the DCS choirmistress, in full swing; it was the staff's turn to run tomorrow's church service. It took some coaxing for me to join in - a seSotho song with accompanying movement was a little outside my comfort zone - but a Drama teacher can hardly claim he doesn't do that sort of thing.

We were, however, seriously distracted by Lucky Ratlhagane (off-camera), the dance, drumming and marimba teacher, who was demonstrating some highly inappropriate movement. And I was not about to assault Rosa (though that's what it looks like.)



Production dates:

4th & 5th May.



Tickets: from Mr du Toit, DCS



Rehearsal schedule - see noticeboard for details.


© 2017 by Val & Chris. Created with

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