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We are the champions

Pretty much all schools have an annual event like this: the public acknowledgment of its students', pupils', learners' achievements. At first, the proceedings at DCS were familiar: a procession of young people marching onto stage for a handshake and a book or certificate. Rather like the nations entering the stadium at the Olympic opening ceremony - vital, but you sit through it to get to the fun part.

The subtle differences began to emerge with the announcement of the Head Boy and Girl. The latter was clearly an immensely popular choice, announced by half the audience leaping to its feet for sustained cheering.

Then came the choir, and the increasing Africanisation of the whole event, culminating in the final song which had most of the school on its feet joining in. If only all speech days were like this...



Production dates:

4th & 5th May.



Tickets: from Mr du Toit, DCS



Rehearsal schedule - see noticeboard for details.


© 2017 by Val & Chris. Created with

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