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Lovely laundry ladies

As official members of the DCS boarding house, one of the things we are getting used to is the weekly laundry routine. Our laundry ladies Lina and Alice work a long day, not only washing a ton of the boarders' school uniforms and casual clothes, but also ironing and neatly folding absolutely everything. Never before have I experienced a wardrobe where each and every T-shirt, pair of shorts, pillow case and piece of underwear looks like it has just arrived home from the shops.

Well done ladies - even when it pours with rain or both tumble driers break down yet again, they are always smiling.



Production dates:

4th & 5th May.



Tickets: from Mr du Toit, DCS



Rehearsal schedule - see noticeboard for details.


© 2017 by Val & Chris. Created with

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